sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2011

I wanna turn me and my best friend into surfers! SURFERS!

2 days ago me, myself and (no time, Demi, no time) my bestfriend were thinking about doing much more sports... She used to dance and I make ballet, but we kinda wanted to do something more, like SURF!
We have some friends(yeah they rock!) that surf, they are 3 and they are our bestfriends, also her dad is a surfer so we could make something.... We both know how to  make that ''stand-up'' thing, but no tricks, she's really shy in front of people and she's pretty careful(when we are alone she's not!) and I'm pretty energetic and like to take risks but carefully as well...

So yes, surfing is really really cool and we both love summer so why not trying a little bit harder?! Maybe we'll get there..
Lets pretend this is us:
We are a bit tanned, she's not that tanned and she has rosy cheeks, she's perfectly beautiful, her hair is dark blonde.
I am tanned(not that tanned but a bit) and my hair is long and curly-brown.
So, we just need some shorts(we don't like bikini that much and it might be to early for a surfer suit), a bikini, flip flops and a board... That's it :) and when you go out, a top!

Check it yourself:

That's it :)
All rights to weheartit.com
-Clothes from Roxy :)

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