terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011

take a break...

Well, this sounds a bit like Desperate Housewives:
Some 3 months ago a ''friend''("""") pulled me to the floor and I knocked my head on my school's library pavement, so now, my right side ear has a problem and it's always painfully hurting and only making pressure onto it I can be ok without any pain...
Well, tonight, it was hurting like never before so I only slept some 3 hours(maybe it's too much, I think I didn't sleep that much) so I'm tired as biiiiiiipppp...
Then at school there's a girl always bugging me(she's a litt bugging bee to me), so when I think everything couldn't be worse, THE POOPARAZZI baby came to my house again...
I just wanna relax!!!

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