segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

The art of typography by ME!

Today, when I arrived from school I decided to work a bit around typography writing things that came into my mind like my biggest fears, my favorite songs and things people tell me and then I started playing with it, not my fault, my brain commands me so I just did what it told me to. Check it yourself :)

That's it :)
For any doubts, that galaxy and the last picture(road one) ain't mine, I just edited them, the galaxy photographer is unknown by me, the road one is from Anna Ristuccia...

1 comentário:

  1. Os adultos vivem dizendo que a adolescência é um dos periodos mais marcantes da vida. Mais o que o adolescente pensa disso?

    Visita meu blog?

    Se gostar do meu Blog, segue lá, ficarei muiito feliz,
    Beijos, desde já obrigada, Tainã Almeida.
