sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Rita of London!

Rita of London... Weird huh? Probably... I decided ONCE AGAIN to change my blog name..Why RITA OF LONDON? 

Tumblr_le5k5kggps1qzxtm6o1_500_large_large1st- a day after the royal wedding a friend of mine travelled to London for her 14th birthday and I was like WOAAHHHH once I love british people, britain and LONDON ** So  when she came back to Portugal she brought a pencil from the Tower of London and a grammy award pen from the Madame Tussauds museum and I got addicted to both of them and during Science class we both talked about this blog and how much I wanted to change the name of it so I was always touching that pencil and writing with it that she said: " What about Rita of London?" and I was like " Yeah that's just PERFECT..." and got so excited that later she gave me that pencil...
So I own it and it's my favorite pencil from all time!

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